We Buy Houses in Any Condition

Is your house distressed? KM Home Buyers makes selling your distressed house easy.

There are many issues that can make a house distressed or undesirable—and make you feel as though you have no options to make it better. Especially if you’re looking into selling your house.

Your house could have foundation or structural problems. Even if they don’t seem severe, they’ll be revealed in an inspection—and send most potential buyers running. Fixing structural damage can be pricy, and ignoring it can create more problems down the road.

Water damage from a leaky pipe, roof, or appliance is another issue that, left unfixed, can become a real headache for homeowners. Damage is just part of the problem; the possibility of black mold developing is likely, too. That’s a hazard to your health as well as your bank account.

What about termite damage? Termites can take down homes from the inside out—and leave home sellers in a situation where they can’t live in their home or feel like they can possibly sell it. Even if you’ve had past termite issues, but have resolved them, you’re still required by law to disclose them. That’s enough to scare away most buyers who simply want a home without any troubling history.

Maybe it’s none of these catastrophic problems. Maybe your home just needs major cosmetic updates. Even those can be enough to turn off potential buyers, and, depending on the type of restoration, you could be required to make those fixes as part of your purchase agreement before selling your house.

And, then, there’s location. Or, as they say: location, location, location. If your home is in a neighborhood that people are moving out of, not into, you could be in a real bind. Short of picking up and moving your entire house out of the area, you have little control in improving your situation.

No matter what roadblocks are preventing you from selling your home, nearly all of them mean a steep investment on your part to get to a place where you can list it. If you’re unable to pay for the needed repairs or updates, which can run thousands upon thousands of dollars, you’re stuck, right?

Not so fast. There’s a solution for you if you live in the Tampa Bay area, in Hillsborough, Pinellas, or Pasco County, Florida. KM Home Buyers will buy your distressed, unwanted home in any condition for cash. ANY condition.

KM Home Buyers buys houses in any condition in the Tampa Bay area.

You might be wondering why anyone would want to buy a home in trouble. But, that’s what KM Home Buyers does. That’s all they do: buy homes for cash that others don’t want. That even includes other issues beyond homes in poor condition, like foreclosure, divorce, or death in the family.

KM Home Buyers are experts in this area

We have the investment power to purchase distressed homes for cash. They may rebuild or repair them or they may find more value in the property by starting over with it completely. What they do with it is less important to you, though. What matters is you can unload your burden quickly and easily, with no out-of-pocket costs—and walk away with cash in hand. Yes, you really can just walk away from your junk house!

Call KM Home Buyers today at 813-213-4884, or get started by filling out the simple online form. They’ll assess your home and send you a free, no-obligation, highest cash offer available. If you’re happy with the offer, you’ll move on to the next step. If you aren’t, you can stop the whole process. There’s no commitment at this stage and never any pressure.

You don’t need to make any repairs or updates to your home before requesting your quote—or any time after. KM Home Buyers buys homes as-is.

There are no out-of-pocket expenses for you, either: no closing costs, inspection or appraisal fees, or realtor commissions. You don’t have to worry about a realtor at all!

The whole process happens quickly and without hassle. Read more about it here: How to Sell Your Property Fast-4 Easy Steps.

Don’t let your distressed house leave you feeling stressed and hopeless. KM Home Buyers is here to provide the relief you need—and put cash in your hands.

If you’re ready to get rid of your unwanted house and make a fresh start, KM Home Buyers is ready to make selling your house easy.  We’ll make you a cash offer and close in as few as seven days.

Don’t wait, don’t worry, and don’t invest any more into your broken-down house. Just call 813-213-4884 to get started.